Yet red aura?
At 4/8/07 12:28 AM, Evark wrote: You're the BBS's saviour.
Age 32, Female
Freelance Designer
Hamiton - New Zealand
Joined on 7/5/06
People have been complaining left and right about this.
I think BBR fell down due to Zerok taking his place, and thus demodding himself.
Some mod is leaving bbr's name in the bans.
You never know.
DaVeB1T, it cant be BBM because hes on vacation.
Laptops don't exist.
The mods probably have a massive conspiracy going on to cover up bigbadron's demodding by impersonating him.
Oh god, you know you're going to be put o the list now don't you?
i don't know. it still has his sentence structure and everything.
Sarcasm, sarcasm, bad humor?
I hope he's not really demodded. He was a funny ass guy who kept the BBS' faggotry level to a minimum.
He was a dick, but he did his job better than anyone else.
I've always found him amusing, no matter what he does.
bigbadron - He is without doubt, not the best mod, but the best at being a mod.
Exactly. He made the name "mod" what it is now. Which is basically hated by everyone.
This is totally of subject but can i have your banner please
Whoever did this hasn't left a thing to chance, the lack of capital letters, his love of any insult containing "faggot", bad attitude...
Whoever did this know what they're doing. o_O
This makes me wonder if there are undercover mods here in ng, but I highly dough it. Or do I?
Some mod did it pretending to be him for the lulz.
My opinion is that it's only an early April Fools Joke.
It's not April, so you are fooled.