View Profile Officer
At 4/8/07 12:28 AM, Evark wrote: You're the BBS's saviour.

Age 32, Female

Freelance Designer


Hamiton - New Zealand

Joined on 7/5/06

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New Duck Sig!

Posted by Officer - October 23rd, 2007

This news post is to celebrate my new duck sig. Of course, a BlueHippo original :3 So everyone post a comment and tell me how much you like it ^^

Annnd, now for my praise:

This duck sig is the most awesomely awesome sig of all awesomeness of awesome. The awesomeness of this awesomely awesome sig of awesomeness cannot simply be rated as awesome. It is so awesomely awesome it has it's own awesome word. The awesomeness of this awesomely awesome word is so awesome that I can't actually tell you it. In conlusion. It's awesome.

Oh, and a small pic. With arrows if you can't find it.

New Duck Sig!



BFS is jel.

Awesome. BlueHippo is a great dude aye? He even made me full characters for a Flash animation... which I abandoned.


Hurry up so we can become level buddies again.

With that vote, you now have 2,830 experience points. You need 10 more to get to Level 17. Almost :3

I need about 400 b/p to get to PS. :(

Annd, once BlueHippo unblocks me on AIM I can get my gold whistle :3


You're living in the past, where my signatures sucked. They rule now. Because I'm the man.

Also, Kettboy.

Yes, it is a big issue. Sig making is supposed to be philanthropic. You're not making these sigs for glory, or for acknowledgement, you're making them to benefit the BBS. Take your head out of your arsehole, and realise the fucking truth. It's not easy to fix. You're very lucky that someone who uses your computer has dished out $650 to purchase photoshop. Other people don't have that kind of money available to spend on a whim. Even if they do, they might not be gifted in photoshop like you, me, or the other NGSM makers here. They may not have the prowess that we do, they may not be able to remove the name on their own. I haven't always been a sig maker. When I first requested sigs from the SSM and got high quality masterpieces back that weren't quite right, I would feel embarrassed to ask them to change bits of it to better suit my preferences. Just like you would no doubt feel like an idiot going to Michaelangelo, looking at the Sistine Chapel, and saying "Actually, could you put that cherub a bit further to the left?".

The NGSM is just another elitist society, I'm fully aware of that. We push lower-quality sig makers away from our ranks instead of welcoming them in with open arms and more importantly, open minds. But that's just with sig makers. We're like the fucking Illuminati to your average NG BBS user. We might as well be chanting in a circle around a sacred celtic rune to get that sig made. Just because you know how to remove your name from that sig, doesn't mean they do. You're absolutely outrageous in thinking that anyone can just open up a jpg and remove that text and replace it with that bit of background. It'd be outrageous to think that anyone could open up the original .PSD file and delete the layer, BECAUSE NOT EVERYBODY IS A SIG MAKER LIKE ME OR YOU.

I've NEVER put my name in somebody elses signature. Why? Because they didn't ask me to. I'm more than happy if they've put my name in the text signature, because that shows that they seriously are pleased with it. While professional artists do indeed sign their work, professional artists make a living off of their work. If someone steals it and claims it as their own, it's not just dignity, it's that artists income that's loosing out. However, with us, it's just 30 minutes work that's been taken by someone else. And they're not benefiting from it any more than the original requester has. To sign a 400*60 pixel area is the ultimate self-loving cock-sucking ego-trip. What's going to happen to you if you don't sign your sigs? Nothing. You won't fade into obscurity. WOAH LOOK OUT, A BIG BALL OF NOTHINGNESS HEADED YOUR WAY! SHIT TAKE COVER GUYS! If you want to become a well-respected and reputable sig-maker, then the best way to do this is to find a style and stick to it. Blue-Hoody. Stem, etcetera. They became ridiculously popular by finding something different and making it big. None of them signed their sigs. In fact, go to general forums and make a thread asking "Who's the best/most recognised/awesomest sig maker on Newgrounds?" Go on, seriously. And then go through each persons answers one by one, and make a tally of how many of those sig makers put their alias in peoples sigs. I will put good money on it being less than 3 of them. The only thing you'll loose by dropping the pretentious gall that drips off your chops by the bucket-full is my hatred for your very essence.

Please, please do reply with a counter-argument as to why you think that your name should only be removed on request, rather than left out initially. I await a well written response.


Lmao, BBM had a nut. How in the hell did you find that? I wanted to save it because it made me laugh so much :D


Oh have a cry.

Without those giant red arrows I wouldn't have saw it! Thanks!

PS: Awesome ducky.

Awesome is an understatement :P

i don't block people on AIM.

You blocked the world.

Aww, I wanted one of those ever since they first became popular way back when.


Yay for making me feel more special ^^